Funny Monkey
Yesterday afternoon,I saw a monkey in Shanghai. There are two monkeys. They are very funny. And that make me thought of a video from another city in China. It is also about monkey that in the street.What do you think about it?
I think it is funny but feel sad.I don't understand, this man is a sacred to make a living, but in the show, not a person to touch the pocket. But then again, in this ordinary the neighborhood near the road to busk, probably no one give money. I think this is a kind of endless sad!
It is no gain at the expense of the animal dignity street people shallow one of Babbitt, and the monkeys are playing by the macaques, is a national level 2 protected animal, this is in violation of the law on the protection of wild animals.
this is the video's
تواصل مع خدمة عملاء مركز صيانة يونيفرسال للاجهزة الكهربائية واحصل على اقوى الخصومات عند شراء او استبدال اى من قطع الغيار الاصلية من كافة انواع التوكيلات العالمية .. كما يمكنكم الحصول على صيانة دورية من المنزل مع افضل المهندسين المتخصصين فى صيانة جميع انواع الاجهزة الكهربائية فقط اتصل الان على مركز خدمة صيانة يونيفرسال نصلك فى اسرع وقت وفى اى مكان